the creul term for long, hanging inner labia. Despite popular belief, it CAN NOT be "caused" by repeated insertion of a dick. Those who have them are simply born with them.
by peopleareidiots April 4, 2011
by roast beef lover February 25, 2009
by Mike August 5, 2003
The excess skin of the female genetalia (labia) which serve no purpose other than tying in knots or posing in the "butterfly" position.
by Eric Overstreet October 12, 2003
the cruel term for long, hanging inner labia. Despite popular belief, it CAN NOT be "caused" by repeated insertion of a dick. Those who have them are simply born with them.
by Ohhhhhhhhhh! January 6, 2017
See also: Meat fly catchers, strip steak butterflies, ham and cheese, meat on the taco, kermit the frog, gumby and occasionally used to sweep the floors by geraitrics with 2 inch beef clams. 2 inches from the ground.
by Leo. October 21, 2003
by Oliver Clozeoff June 3, 2007