13 definitions by The rush hour...

A drug dealer who travels by road to make a profit from selling narcotics.
Goddamn. They be a damn Roadrosie. Travel to sell drugs, smh.
by The rush hour... September 25, 2016
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A term used when someone is going absolutely crazy and is hyped about a certain topic.
Woah! That boy is so Skitzohyper about Call of Duty.
by The rush hour... February 2, 2018
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A term used when you're going crazy and hyper at the same time.
"Woah that kid is so loud, I think he's going Skitzohyper!"
by The rush hour... February 2, 2018
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Refers to having dirty hands from various reasons. (work or sex)
Why da fuck do you have dirty pawz? What? You had sex??
by The rush hour... September 26, 2016
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Refers to a young hoe. (French slang)
Mane,I loved that shit the yoe gave me last night!
by The rush hour... April 17, 2016
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Refers to a lesbian selling sex to another lesbian or simply lesbian prostitution.
Girl #1 - Hey sexy! I'm a rainbow hoe.
Girl #2 - Oh, how convenient that is for me! Let's smash!
by The rush hour... May 15, 2018
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