7 definitions by Thank you, very cool

Noun for someone who repeatedly hurts people weaker than them, whether physically or emotionally.
They are usually associated with School.

They're basically just mean people who want to look cool when really, they look like a pure jerk.
Bully: -punches victim- "Give me your money, now!"
Victim: "No, I'm not giving you money, ya prick."
Bully: -punches victim multiple times-
Other Victims: "He's a bully, just don't make him acknowledge you."
by Thank you, very cool November 27, 2017
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Person 2: "Actually, it's Yote, go and learn your facts."
Person 1: "But I'm just using a meme..."
by Thank you, very cool July 21, 2018
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A person who criticizes someone for doing something despite the fact that they do the thing themselves.
Hypocrite: You play (Game)? 5 year old...
Hypocrite: I'm gonna go play some (Game).
by Thank you, very cool February 4, 2017
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The politically correct version of happiness according to GradeAUnderA.
As you need to say penis to say happiness, which is apparently too restricted to males, we now have to say it as "hagenitals".
"...And if we do that, the world will truly know hagenitals."
by Thank you, very cool January 7, 2019
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A Skateboard trick. This involves making you and the skateboard go up using certain movements from your feet.
Person 1: "Dude I finally did an Ollie!"
Person 2: "Good job man, I'm working on my kickflips."
by Thank you, very cool July 21, 2018
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A: "Hey wanna use E-Don?"
B: "E-Don?"
by Thank you, very cool October 21, 2018
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