24 definitions by Tank

TO have your Manager support you, and make your work live easier
I had a terrible shift until I was dougalured.
by Tank August 11, 2006
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To take a nap on the couch, chair or any place comfortable but not a bed
I was havin a Kink when the phone rang.
by Tank April 9, 2007
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97 Honda accord with ground effects.
Jakes car is loppy.
by Tank April 30, 2003
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Junk will accumulate in the space available.

Coined my Mike Kelly
Oh man, i bought the new house with more storage space but you'd never, Kelly's Law kicked in, I have no space and junk everywhere.
by Tank June 27, 2009
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We voted to ban pureicey, its too bad orby didnt get the hack.
by Tank February 20, 2003
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a 270 pound hulking machine that attends Bull Shit High School, the biggest kid in his class, plays on the football team, eats a lot, and prtoects females everywhere

new size on size chart: S, M, L, XL, XXL, Plank
"Yo, here comes Plank."
"Run away!!"
by Tank April 12, 2005
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To have your hands full; only refers to the opposite sex; shows that they have a freaky side that only really you and them know about
Boi you got yo hands full
by Tank January 14, 2005
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