10 definitions by TIN Laden

urban myth has it that if you shout this 'i'm a celebrity ket me out of here' loud enough while in a k-hole you will automatically be released from it's grip. It takes its name from i'm a celebrity get me out of here where celebrities shout the same thing to get out of doing tasks.
man this k-hole is sucking me in further than I ever imagined it would, I need to get out of here and fast.


and i'm back to reality....
by TIN Laden December 8, 2010
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when you steal someone else's urban dictionary entry and pass it off as your own
dude i can't believe u pinched my hot urban dictionary entry, thats such an urban knicktionary!!
by TIN Laden December 15, 2010
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running up a tab of cigarettes from your mates.
geezer i've run out of duzzers, any chance I can run up a fag tab?
by TIN Laden December 17, 2010
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When a member of the female sex gets a sudden urge to flick the bean in traffic.
The M25 was so busy on the way home tonight so I managed to squeeze in a couple of trafflicks to pass the time.
by TIN Laden December 8, 2010
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when an individual challenges him/herself to a massive pile of meow meow which resembles a mountain. e.g ben nevis
Chris - cor blimey i really fancy a line of meoooooow.
John - why not just have yourself a meowntain?
Chris - ok.
by TIN Laden December 10, 2010
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When you get yourself into a deep, solid k hole and spend all your money on bet365.com betting on horse races.
Landlord - "where's this months rent"
User - "I sedated myself and took a gamble on the 3.15 at kempton, I lost"
Landlord - "I need the rent"
User - "blame ket 365"
Landlord - "prick"
User - "tosspot"
by TIN Laden December 3, 2010
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A form of racist behaviour towards aftershave
Fred didnt like CkOne or versace blue jeans at all, he hated the way they looked, the way they smelt, and how they taunted him from the shelves. He should have kept his opinion to himself the dirty spraycist. There's no place for casual spraycism in our society.
by TIN Laden December 15, 2010
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