7 definitions by Symone..AKA Ill NANA

Lets get it straight..Upstate NY starts after Yonkers for all the people who dont know...It is not all cow country like people think..Yes there are ghettos everywhere here IE: Troy(tell right on ya), Albany (smallbany), Schenectady (AIDS capital of NY outside NYC)and Amsterdam (Amsterico) and other various locales...
Damn I got lost...I thought I was going to NYC and ended up somewhere called Watervliet...Oh shit is that the Arsenal?
by Symone..AKA Ill NANA August 1, 2005
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It means "really??" or "no way!!"
Me: "She was talkin' mad shit bout me"
My Girl: "Say word!"
by Symone..AKA Ill NANA December 17, 2003
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To fuck someone like an animal,real hard and nasty and make them scream. Much worse then rough sex and only for the real serious s&m freak..
Damn that bitch screamed so loud, I think she got hate fucked...
by Symone..AKA Ill NANA August 18, 2004
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to put an end to a conversation, a relationship or some sort of beef(problem)...
Yo I just deaded it cause we were getting nowhere arguing about shit....
by Symone..AKA Ill NANA August 2, 2005
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Freak that will do anything or anyone
That chick is a freak ho, she will do anything....
by Symone..AKA Ill NANA May 27, 2004
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A hardcore , grimy, crime ridden city such as NYC, Newark(NJ), Miami, Los Angeles, really any city with a ghetto.If you want a better explanation listen to Bob Marley....
Damn, I got off the wrong exit and got stuck right in the concrete jungle...
by Symone..AKA Ill NANA December 17, 2003
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A man who acts like a gangsta thug but really enjoys male pussy(anal sex).
"Yo you know Montay, that nigga turned into a homothug from going to prision"
by Symone..AKA Ill NANA May 27, 2004
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