14 definitions by SwissCheeseMan

a name to replace the real name of someone who is proned to being an idiot and general idiocy.
I was just thuggin then Jonesy, over here, decided it would be a good idea to flush my baseball bat down the toilet.
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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The best word to use When describing something that is sposed to be artistic, but in truth it makes absolutly no sence to you
I really like the artists use of Dramatized Spectrumisim in this painting
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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A warrior of the night

Started as a fad in the late 1970s to terrorize those who had not yet expirenced the german Sausagefest it escaladted into a full blown culture storm centered in San Fransisco where acts of terror are preformed every night
dude, i just got owned by a Butt Pirate
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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a missconception. Atcually meant to be SOck Rocky, but it got twisted around to form a whole new game... a game so powerful that only the greatest of Champions are allowed to participate
I am an Elephant, and you are just a Rock sockey
by SwissCheeseMan October 12, 2004
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A Chase that is so enjoyible that it provokes a for or Euphoria relesed by Spazams of joy and Purple colored Rainbows to apper at random locations
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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A weapon, invented in the cold war to cause rofling on Russian Submarines so they would light up on sonar and they could be lit up. now used to make fist rise to the surface with hystaria
Fire the ROFL torpedo!!!
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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A time in a man's life where things start to change, and life is never quite the same agian
AHH crap, i just got the Salad agian!
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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