22 definitions by Stephen McDonnell

holy sheepshit

a term which is often exclaimed by a party in disbelief.
Holy sheepshit...you're about the stupidest fuck I have ever seen!
by Stephen McDonnell February 9, 2006
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Stink Donut

A cute way in referring to ones rectum.
by Stephen McDonnell March 16, 2010
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turd slide

Slang term used when jokingly referring to the rectum.
I have to give my feces a ride on the turd slide.
by Stephen McDonnell February 10, 2006
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1. A word used to describe a person that has no backbone.
2. A wimp, loser, a person with no substance.
My boss at work is a real dinklepuss...he couldn't even fire Bobby A when he had the chance.
by Stephen McDonnell February 12, 2006
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bum sniffer

1. A person who sniff bums.
2. A term that can be used in name calling.
Hey...out of my way ya bum sniffer.
by Stephen McDonnell February 10, 2006
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jesus Jesus JESUS

Used in escalating anger when saying one Jesus isn't enough. With each jesus said the tone becomes louder and stronger so by the third jesus you are using everything you got.
(a ketchup bottle falls from the fridge and smashes all over the floor)
jesus Jesus JESUS!!!!!
by Stephen McDonnell February 9, 2006
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Noun (Slang) A euphenism for homosexual, generally a male homosexual. It can also be used in place of the word bugger.
I think that new guy is a bumblaster.
by Stephen McDonnell February 9, 2006
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