54 definitions by Stan

dumbasses who think that the only important religion is their own and those who think things only exist if they are in a book that i located in most motels
by Stan December 8, 2004
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an ok director who looks down on minorities. also see hitler and mate.
by Stan February 13, 2005
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A young girl that acts trashy in public to get attention but, in reality is a virgin. As soon as she is alone with a guy its hands off.

Prick teaser.
Don't bother with Susie, she's a virgin slut.
by Stan March 15, 2004
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to be a streaker, to run naked in public.
did you see that streaker at the begining of the second half of the Super Bowl 38?
by Stan February 3, 2004
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1. hey, let's go split those fuckers.
2. dude, I was split last night
by Stan April 12, 2004
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An adjective that gives any action or noun a more hyperactive or bright meaning.
Dude that fucking ride was ZAMPY AS HELL!!!
by Stan May 17, 2003
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being afraid of people who have the potential of putting a chokeball in your mouth
homophobia is so gay
by Stan March 25, 2005
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