9 definitions by Someone with a 🅱️rain

A nasty coffee chain company that sells the most burnt ass coffee. This is the place you get coffee if you don’t care about losing your tongue.
I had a cup of coffee at Starbucks. It tasted so fucking burnt that I wanted to throw it into a fire.
by Someone with a 🅱️rain October 13, 2022
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1. To cut an object into two or more pieces.
2. To split apart into different groups.
3. A gymnastic pose that could make just about anyone orgasm.
1. Amigo 1 and Amigo 2 split the thanksgiving turkey for them to have for each other.
2. All the kids on the school field trip split up into different groups.
3. Kelly did a split, and Carl had an orgasm.
by Someone with a 🅱️rain August 3, 2022
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