100 definitions by Snake

1. To not work for long periods of time.
i've beeen slacking all day
by Snake March 20, 2005
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The scourge of all other men. These are usually guys who have that designer stubble and floppy haircut. For whatever reason, these guys always seem to have beaten you to the girl you're after by about 3 years. Since a lot of these guys are based on the same template, the term Generic Boyfriend is most suitable.

See also Metrosexual and Brad Pitt
"Hey, that girl's cute."
"Forget it, man. She's got one of those Generic Boyfriends."
"Not again!"
by Snake April 14, 2005
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Ridiculously good-looking actress that would make a priest reach for the Kleenex.

See Giggedy giggedy giggedy.
Jessica Alba is too hot for words.
by Snake January 28, 2006
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Chick or lesbian... as in chromosomes... XX girl and XY guy..
by Snake June 14, 2004
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Legendarily good RPG set in the post-apocalyptic world. First two games were first-class roleplaying gold, containing violence, humour and a number of cool film references. The Brotherhood of Steel spinoff for the PS2 was something of a misfire, though.

See also Power Fist
by Snake March 9, 2005
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Genius character created by Simon Spurrier and Frazer Irving for 2000AD Megazine. One part Phillip Marlowe, one part Krusty the Clown, he is effectively the best Dredd spinoff ever.

Has a penchant for cigars and whiskey. Demonstrated when shot and asked "Is it bad?" to which he replied when he discovered his hipflask had been punctured "It's worse!"
Perp: What's your point?
Jack Point: It comes right after the Jack.
by Snake October 1, 2005
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What you shout to your friend should he be called Timmy
Yo! TIMMY! Hey, it's TIMMY!
by Snake July 12, 2004
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