19 definitions by Shtoink

a type of peanut butter. maybe out of buisness as ive not seen it in the stores for a while, then again i dont buy much peanut butter
peter pan peanut butter is better than Jiffy and its cheaper
by Shtoink November 10, 2006
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a fictional place in World of Warcraft where Blizzard Games favors children and whiners over people who actually can pay for the monthly subscription and dont live in their parents basement.
Paladin: ZOMGBBQ!! that fucking shaman whooped my 13 year old ass in PvP!! *scribbles petition in green crayon to Blizzard*

(Tuesday=patch day) shaman get nerfed and paladins become even more unkillable... only in Azeroth
by Shtoink September 26, 2006
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the rule that is implimented when the 3 and 5 sec rule are unobtainable... or if you work in a restaurant and just dont care.
*drops cheeseburger at McDonalds*
by Shtoink May 7, 2007
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a rare animal whose mounted head costs $50 in colorado
sucker:man i feel ripped off for this $50 jackalope head!

friend: yeah you dumb ass! those antlers are glued on
by Shtoink September 27, 2006
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there really is no spoon
the creepy bald kid in the Matrix had telekinesis
by Shtoink November 6, 2006
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a peircing that goes through a lip. makes kissing pretty nice ;)
i kissed a girl with a vertical labret and it was nicer than kissing a girl without one...
by Shtoink April 30, 2007
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what happens before an abortion
julie got pregnant, then got an abortion
by Shtoink September 27, 2007
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