76 definitions by Seth

The 4th Quentin Tarantino film. Is divided into two parts Vol 1 and Vol 2. Vol 1 barely has a plot and script but it has the most amazing action sequences. Vol 2 has more of a story and script but I personally think it fails in comparison to the amazing Vol 1.
I didn't hate Kill Bill Vol 2 I just thought it wasn't as good as Vol 1 and David Carradine as Bill put me to sleep.
by Seth May 3, 2004
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Acronym for Tau Kappa Epsilon, the best fraternity in the fucking world.
Some Kid: TKE is awsome!
Me: Then rush.
by Seth March 18, 2005
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1. No money
2. completely devoid of something
1. Dont ask Flip, he's air
2. Sorry, I'm out of smokes, I'm air
by Seth November 18, 2003
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"that is gimped of you to cheat in pool"
by Seth November 18, 2003
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A Zurbatz is a modern day word for "child" or "infant", especially if ill-tempered.

Any human being between the ages of 0 and 6 years is classified as a zurbatz.

Plural: Zurbatz OR Zurbatzes OR Zurbatzions (zur-bats-i-uns)
"Oh god, somebody shut that screaming zurbatz up right this minute!!!"

"If I even have to sit next to a zurbatz on the plane, I will lose it"

"Zurbatzes are the devil!"
by Seth April 8, 2004
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Deadly Viper Assassanation Squad. Seen in the movie Kill Bill.
by Seth April 13, 2004
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A homosexual alcoholic killing machine born to convert all food to pulp and all Seths to oblivion!
gettin shiggy with it

big shiggy style's all in it
by Seth June 1, 2004
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