10 definitions by Scottmana

A question about what another has his attention on. What is he thinking about or busy with? "Up" in this usage is referring to a slag from around the 1930s meaning: occupied with or busy with.
When I saw him he was angry so I asked "what's up?". But he would not tell me what he was angry about.
by Scottmana September 15, 2007
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Asks what another has his attention on. What is he thinking about or busy with? "Up" in this case is using a slang definition from around the 1930s meaning: occupied with, busy with.

This question is often used to start conversations with.
When I called my friend he didn't seem happy so I asked him "What is up?". He said he was having trouble with his girl.
by Scottmana September 15, 2007
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Digitally Restrictive Measures. While originally promoted as Digital Rights Management, this was in fact a publicly friendly term that misleads. The entire subject is build around stopping the use of the software and/or it's distribution. Thus Digitally Restricted Measures serves as a warning to the public of it's true nature. Also the word Management may be useful to the creators but not to the end user. Measures puts it in perspective. See the example for what a DRM means to end users.
The product has a warning on it's side that says it "Comes with a DRM that will limit what you can do with it. Including if it will work at all. Also that after you get it to work, should anything change about the devise the product is running or playing on, it may cease to function and you possibly may never get it to work again. Purchase at our own risk."
by Scottmana July 12, 2008
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Slag for a person (often used when referring to teenagers) that causes trouble wherever they go.
That heller came in here the other day just to cause trouble.
by Scottmana November 26, 2007
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A contracted form of "What is up" or "What's up". See "What is up".
Seeing some friends, I often say "sup" to start a conversation and to see what they are up to.
by Scottmana September 15, 2007
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A disrespectful and rude child. Used by older people to refer to much younger.
The whippersnapper ran right by me and almost knocked me over.
by Scottmana November 26, 2007
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Having many simple parts.

He kept throwing terms at me until I was blinded by how complex it was.
by Scottmana November 26, 2007
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