14 definitions by Scikoop75

A zit that you get from standing outside during a lunar eclipse.
I got a little lunule. Look at it. Right there, I stood outside too long and that's why I have this zit. I have to pop it.
by Scikoop75 December 27, 2021
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An especially violent or long-distance projectile vomit.
Did you see that guy? He zarfed 40 feet! He must be really sick.
by Scikoop75 December 19, 2020
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That's a third nipple.
I gotta get my tittle removed. It's a little embarrassing.
by Scikoop75 December 19, 2020
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This is someone who is addicted to phos, also known as phosphate.
"Hey, are you addicted to phosphate right now?"
"No, it's an interesting rock. I just love it."
"Sounds like you are, you phosphene."
by Scikoop75 December 27, 2021
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A large group of people breaks you with questions.
I've been interrobanged. People came up and then interrobanged me, and I had to give them the answer.
by Scikoop75 December 27, 2021
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A South Pacific dish that consists of barbecue made exclusively from pearls.
"I would like to have the purlicue, please."
"Coming right up!"
by Scikoop75 December 27, 2021
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An underground adults-only thing at Disney World.
Hey baby. Hey listen, I got tickets to Dysania.
by Scikoop75 December 19, 2020
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