14 definitions by Samurai Sam

A piece of corn bred with a food stamp baked in the middle of it.
Otis, look at Leroy. He done got himself a nigger fortune cookie on his way back from the liquor store!
by Samurai Sam September 15, 2006
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1. Dumbass who knows nothing about music...after all, only a dumbass would call the Beatles overrated yet be obsessed with Linkin Park.

2. Another name for excrement.
1. Styrocen wouldn't know good music if it bit him in the ass.

2. Be careful, my dog left a big pile of Styrocen on the sidewalk.
by Samurai Sam October 2, 2006
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Cartoon show featuring vegetables that talk about religion, which if you stop to think about it is appropriate because followers of most religions are vegetables unable to think for themselves.
Right after Davey & Goliath, there's an episode of Veggie Tales on the Trinity Channel.
by Samurai Sam September 27, 2006
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"Bavarian Motor Works": Pretentious German-built automobile popularized by yuppies in the early 1980s. Despite so-so build quality and inordinately expensive repair costs, newer models continue to be popular among self-absorbed people, although Hummers are now giving them stiff competition. Older models are finding a new popularity among posers and can often be found these days on blocks in front of mobile homes and in Walmart parking lots.
Q: What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW?
A: The porcupine has his pricks on the outside.
by Samurai Sam September 29, 2006
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Pseudo-patriotic sack of right wing monkey shit who was the errand boy/bagman in the Iran-Contra scandal, a right wing scheme in which arms were illegally sold to a hostile country and the profits used to fund a war in South America for which Congress specifically forbade tax dollars to be used. Convicted of lying to Congress, for which his military pension was revoked, his conviction was later overturned on appeal due to a technicality by a partisan judge. Later became a talk show host and ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Senate. Still regarded by the right wing of American politics as a hero, this lowlife will be forever associated with criminal wrongdoing and jinogism disguised as patriotism.
by Samurai Sam September 29, 2006
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1) Republican politician.
2) Conservative talk show host or author.
3) Fox News employee.
Did you listen to Dubya's State of the Union Message last night? What a bullshit artist!
by Samurai Sam September 12, 2006