8 definitions by SEX IS FUN!!!!!!

the best city in the U.S. my home town lots of hippies, lots of skaters, lots of democrats and Green party, lots of homosextuals and bisexuals, lots of cool people in general. YAY!!!
go to Japan town and the Haight YAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO!!!! YAAAAAY!!!!
lets go to the castro on all hallows eve and watch Gay Glow in San Francisco.
by SEX IS FUN!!!!!! February 22, 2004
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something you say before you stop talking to someone..kind of like 'peace' but really nothing like it. just used in the same way. not as in 'world oix' for those of you who smoke crack...
crackhead: i g2g
pothead: OIX

(potheads are better then crackheads)
by SEX IS FUN!!!!!! April 23, 2004
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what people who are too thick to type 'i don't know' use
by SEX IS FUN!!!!!! February 4, 2004
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hilariouse flash player movie making fun of harry potter. go watch it if you are a fan of the books/movies!


and number two...

by SEX IS FUN!!!!!! April 11, 2004
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acronym for Westernized Oriental Gentleman--- Something my elderly Scottish relative calls Asians who cant drive
"That fuking Wog needs to not stop in the middle of the bloody intersection"
by SEX IS FUN!!!!!! February 1, 2004
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a magic card. magic is an annoying game that pisses me off when they have tournaments in my favorite comic book stores and i cant get to the manga...mwahahahaa yes i am a total nerd, so dont bother to tell me.
aaaagggghhhh all the fat pimply magic card players are blocking the way to the Ranma 1/2 shelf!!!! fuk this lets go get high
by SEX IS FUN!!!!!! February 22, 2004
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