8 definitions by Rurouni KJS

(v.) to have rolled two 1's in a dice game. Derived from the term "snake eyes."
I was on fire until I snaked three times straight. I'm never gambling again.
by Rurouni KJS May 28, 2009
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V. To obsessively collect and hoard some nerdy pursuit to the point of excess and often at the expense of others. Derived from the noun forms of "neckbeard" (both definitions).
I went to the store to get my kid the new action figures from the latest comic book film, but they were sold out already. I later heard one guy neckbearded them all in one purchase.
by Rurouni KJS May 27, 2011
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(v.) to be defeated, usually in a video game. Derived from Halo multiplayer deathmatches in which the victor taunts the loser to "get off the sticks" (i.e., the two analog sticks of the typical Xbox joypad)
That's 33 frags in a row, sucka! Get off the sticks!!!!
by Rurouni KJS May 28, 2009
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The line formed where the underside of a woman's braless breast rests on the rib cage area of her torso, as seen from the side (usually due to sleeveless dresses or tops). Differs from side boob in that the breast must sag enough to produce the cleavage effect.
Dude, did you see Cameron Diaz's side cleavage at that awards show? So hawt!
by Rurouni KJS May 16, 2009
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Pronounced "bouncy" or "bounce-say." Alternate name for pop/r&b singer Beyoncé Knowles, because she is. Also describes what she's done to certain ex-Destiny's Child members.
Man, Bouncéy's rack was jiggling all OVER the place in the Beyoncert last night. I ain't mad at her!
by Rurouni KJS July 7, 2009
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When it's so cold that the only way to warm up is to engage in the act of spooning.
Our heater isn't working, so it's just as spoon cold indoors as out.
by Rurouni KJS November 5, 2010
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A fan of Apple Macintosh computers who feels the brand is superior to PCs. (Guess they SHOULD, given how much more they COST.) Can range from generally pleasant (Mac user)to absolutely insufferable (mactard).
Whenever I ask my sons for help with my laptop, they start chanting "Get a Maaaaaac." They're such Mac snobs.
by Rurouni KJS July 13, 2009
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