32 definitions by Rot


The N-2501 is a French transport plane. It was designed to replace the licensed French version of the C-47. It had a very large loading door and ramp in the back that made loading vehicles easy. It was also used for paratroop runs.

Type: Transport Plane
Dimensions: span 32.5m; length 21.96m; height 6m
Payload: 8458kg
Speed: 440km/h
Range: 2500km
Ceiling: 7500m
The N-2501 is a French airplane.
by Rot April 7, 2005
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Westland Wasp HAS.1

The Westland Wasp HAS.1 is a British naval transport helicopter. It was introduced in 1957. It can be armed with Mk46 anti-submarine torpedo, FN 7.62mm GPMG on pintle mount, Mk44 AS torpedo, Aérospatiale AS.12 missile, Aérospatiale AS.11 wire-guided missile, British Aerospace Mk11 depth charge, Avibras LH70/19 rocket launcher with 70mm FFAR missiles, and Avibras HAS with LH70/7 rocket launcher (with 70mm FFAR missiles) and FN 7.62mm GPMG pintle mount.

Type: naval transport helicopter
Armament: Mk46 anti-submarine torpedo, FN 7.62mm GPMG on pintle mount, Mk44 AS torpedo, Aérospatiale AS.12 missile, Aérospatiale AS.11 wire-guided missile, British Aerospace Mk11 depth charge, Avibras LH70/19 rocket launcher with 70mm FFAR missiles, and Avibras HAS with LH70/7 rocket launcher (with 70mm FFAR missiles) and FN 7.62mm GPMG pintle mount
Dimensions: span 9.83m; length 12.29m; height 3.56m
Payload: 134kg
Speed: 211km/h
Range: 507km
Ceiling: 2682m
by Rot April 7, 2005
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IL-76 Candid

The IL-76 is a Soviet vehicle transport plane. It was first introduced in 1971. It was made by Ilyushin, hence the abbreviation ‘Il’. It was thought to be another rip off of a US plane, which Ilyushin did often. This time it was the C-141. In actuality, it was most likely a coincidence. The IL-76 was mainly designed to open up Siberia having the ability to transport heavy cargo. It ended up being a strategic cargo plane for the Soviet Union. The V-TA (military version) reached 150 by 1980, frequently replacing the An-12.

Type: Vehicle Transport Plane
Armament: rear twin N-23 turrets
Dimensions: span 50.5m; length 40.59m; height 14.76m
Payload: 40000kg
Speed: 900km/h
Range: 5000km w/ max payload
Ceiling: 13000m
The IL-76 flew from Moscow to Madrid.
by Rot April 7, 2005
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Mi-6 Hook

The Mi-6 was and is one of the biggest helicopters. It was introduced in 1957. It set world records for max payload and speed in the class of helicopters. It could carry 68 troops, missiles, and even small vehicles like the BRDM. It had large wings that helped to increase speed on the sides. It used rear clamshell doors to load up.

Type: Transport Helicopter
Dimensions: span 35m; length 41.74m; height 9.86m
Payload: 12000kg
Speed: 300km/h
Range: 250km w/ max payload
Ceiling: 300m
The Mi-6 flew in the Russian Air Force and broke several world records.
by Rot April 7, 2005
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Antonov An-22

The Antonov An-22 was developed by Oleg Antonov. It first flew in February of 1965. It could fly at six hundred seventy-nine kilometers per hour and for ten thousand nine hundred fifty kilometers with a forty-five thousand kilogram payload. It could carry as much as a one hundred thirty-six thousand kilogram payload. The An-22 is the third largest plane in the world, beaten only by the 747 and the C-5A. The An-22 delivered almost all of the war supplies from Cuba and Angola to the ground forces in Africa during the Angolan War. The nose features two large radars that aid the pilot with navigations, mapping, weather, and airdropping.

Type: troop carrier
Dimensions: length 57.8m; wingspan 64.4m; height 12.53m
Speed: 679km/h
Range: 10950km
Payload: 80000kg
The An-22 is dropping paratroopers over Saigon.
by Rot April 7, 2005
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SA-3 Goa

The SA-3 Goa is a Soviet medium altitude mobile SAM system. It consists of an SA-3 missile carried on a ZIL-157 tractor.

Type: mobile SAM system
Dimensions: length 6700mm; width 460mm; height 1220mm
Effective Range: 29km
Launch Weight:400kg
THe SA-3 fired at an enemy plane.
by Rot April 7, 2005
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SA-9 Gaskin

The SA-9 Gaskin is a Soviet amphibious mobile SAM system. It was first introduced in the 1975 Red Square Parade. The Gaskin consists of the SA-9 launcher atop the BRDM-2A. The Gaskin can carry two missiles boxes on the launch pad and four more inside for reload purposes. Missiles can be launched one at a time, two at a time, or four at a time. The Gaskin does not have radar.

Type: mobile SAM system
Dimensions: length 1800mm; diameter 110mm; span 330mm
Range: 5-8km
Launch Weight: 30kg
The SA-9 is set on the body of a BRDM-2.
by Rot April 7, 2005
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