12 definitions by Robert Sanvagene

Small-medium sized SUV made in South Korea by Daewoo from 2007 through 2019. Sold by GM under the Chevrolet and Holden brand names. Notorious for premature engine and transmission failures.
Me: "How's the wife's RAV4 going?"
Old mate: "Yeah nah ... she traded it in for a Craptiva. Now it's off the road with a stuffed engine and the Holden dealer wants $10k to fix it."
Me: "fkn Craptiva lol"
by Robert Sanvagene March 28, 2020
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As any online discussion involving the word "monorail" progresses, the probability of it degenerating into a string of Simpsons references approaches 1.
Friend: "You should ride the Monorail when you go to Vegas"
Me: "I hear those things are awfully loud."
Friend: " It glides as softly as a cloud"
Me: "Lanley's Law strikes again!"
by Robert Sanvagene April 27, 2022
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A phrase used by rapists to gaslight their victims into believing they weren't raped.
"Why did you rape me, Elliot?"
"It wasn't 'rape'", it was a consent accident".
by Robert Sanvagene November 19, 2022
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The act of forcing oneself onto a non-consenting party for the purposes of sexual gratification under the pretext that they did not understand that the non-consenting party's objections to said sexual contact.
HR: "Elliot, one of your colleagues claimed that you sexually assaulted them at the office Christmas party"
Elliot: "No Ma'am, it was a consent accident."
by Robert Sanvagene November 9, 2022
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Alternate name for the Toyota Hilux, a small pick-up truck made by Toyota that enjoys great popularity among terrorists and other insurgent groups. Most famously associated with ISIS and the Taliban.
"Ay Bruce, you still got that Hilux?"
"Yeah mate... them old Taliban taxis are bombproof!"
by Robert Sanvagene December 24, 2022
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