14 definitions by RhythmJunky

The consumption of large amounts of dairy product.
Patient: "I'm massively lactose intolerant; what can I do?"
Doctor: "I recommend a course of quantitative cheesing."
Patient: "But... isn't that going to make things worse?"
Doctor: "Yep!"
by RhythmJunky August 16, 2010
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A person whose touch, rather than turning everything to gold, turns everything to shit.
"How the hell does that guy stay in a job? He relentlessly heads up shit pile after shit pile."

"No idea mate. Proper brown midas going on there."
by RhythmJunky February 11, 2013
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A slang term relating to offloading previous meals into the toilet. Used due to the similarities in appearance of Goulash, a traditional Hungarian dish, and shit, a traditional toilet-based occurrence.
"I knew I shouldn't have had that kebab for breakfast, now I'm desperate to drop some goulash."

"I dropped some serious goulash on the stairs before I made it to the toilet."
by RhythmJunky September 1, 2008
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A definition relating an abstraction in which common code providing generic functionality can be selectively overridden or specialised by user code providing specific functionality, and dropping one in the bog.
Barry found that he had to utilise the logging framework more often than he expected when a critical incident caused several dumps to be produced at once.
by RhythmJunky May 6, 2010
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The close proximity around a person who has just expelled exceedingly unpleasant gases from their anal passage. Also the site of splashdown while offloading previous meals into the toilet.
"I'd give it five minutes mate, it's Ground Zero in there."

"Oh god, sorry mate, it's Ground Zero in my pants" (wafts in colleagues' face)
by RhythmJunky November 24, 2008
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A design of female pubic hair that resembles male facial hair. This could be based on any style, for instance the 'Hitler' or the 'Brazilian'. Derives from the Lamborghini Countach (Cunt-tache). Can also be referred to as a Lambo for short.
"She's got a sweet little Lamborghini going on under there."

"Pulled this girl last night, good news is she's got a Lambo, but bad news is it's parked on a dropped kebab."
by RhythmJunky November 24, 2008
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A lady's bits that are extremely loose and resemble a doner kebab that has been thrown across quite some distance. The most extreme kebab reference - Kebab being normal, Dropped Kebab next and then Thrown Kebab.
"Turns out that ropey girl I pulled last night had a thrown kebab, so I had to bail!"
by RhythmJunky September 2, 2008
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