6 definitions by Regeven McHesp


1. The act of masturbation while feeling pitiful; pity masturbation
2. A sad way to masturbate
3. A person who cries whilst masturbating


1. Pity masturbating; Masturbation performed under a sorrow mentality; feeling bad for oneself and conducting a masturbation session; crying and masturbating at the same time.

2. Masturbating to express ones desire to be in a relationship; masturbation done under the condition of loneliness.
Commonly occurring on or during Valentine’s day, a piturbation session can be performed by a person.

Several days after Sam dumped Pat, Pat piturbated while reminiscing on their sexual encounters.
by Regeven McHesp March 22, 2017
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(French in origin)


1. A basic simp
2. A mainstream man who not only simps, but also likes mainstream things such as: music played on the radio, Starbucks coffee, and most things advertised on television.
Guy 1: "This new Ariana Grande song is fire! I would bend over backwards just to be in her presence!"
Guy 2: "Shut the fuck up man. You're so fucking simp-le."
by Regeven McHesp May 16, 2021
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1. When someone uses an excessive amount of hashtags after making a statement or question.

2. Social Media

a. Occurring commonly during a social media rant, when a person uses an obnoxious amount of hashtags to describe their feelings or an event.

b. When some (usually a duesche) uses an excessive amount of hashtags after making a statement or question.

3. Mental state of pure of the highest order of narcissism, someone thinking that other people give a shit about their hashtags
"I can't stand when Jenny uses so many hashtags in her facebook posts, what a tagho! Does she seriously think anyone is reading her posts anyways? "

In the opinion of many, more than 3 hashtags used per statement qualifies one to be a tagho.
by Regeven McHesp March 21, 2017
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1. An emotional experience only a nerd gets when excited.

2. Nerd excitement

3. Experiencing excitement due to an activity, event, conversation, or mental thought that is socially accepted as nerdy
John and his fellow group of nerds become neited with the release of the new Star Wars trailor.

Although Susan isn't considered a nerd, she became neited over her purchase of a new official chess board.
by Regeven McHesp December 31, 2018
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1. Excitement between nerds.

2. A respective nerd that comes across something or event that is nerdy and also tingles/tickles said nerds mind, hence exciting the nerd.
Tim watched the first tailor of Star Wars and became extremely neited.
by Regeven McHesp December 27, 2017
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A common figure of speech used to compare simps to something weak, or something that wreaks of desperation.
Jim is such a simp. As a matter of fact, I'm going to use a simpile to describe Jim. Jim bends over backwards for hoes so much that he might as well be a rubber band. I'm going to start calling Jim "Gumby!"
by Regeven McHesp May 16, 2021
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