16 definitions by RTBSTRD

Going To Scum Mart and seeing all of the Fat Female Shoppers, or any place where fat obese women congregate in great numbers.
Do we have to go shopping at Wal Mart again? It's nothing but a Bovine Fest in that store.
by RTBSTRD January 12, 2014
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Ronald McDonald a clown who is McDonalds mascot,who many toddlers and pre school aged children,equate with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. This character is responsible for more pre schooler and toddlers meltdown,because they could not get their Happy Meal fix at Mickey D's.
The only restaurant that kid will eat at is McDonalds.That kid is obsessed with that stupid clown Ronald McIdiot,and the only take out food they will eat is at Mickey D's>
by RTBSTRD November 5, 2013
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A practical punishment for school bullying and mean girl type behavior.If a student engages in any type of bullying behavior.Their names are put on a list,and if their name comes up,when the prom ticket is purchased,the couple will be denied addmission to the big dance. A prime example was the in the movie Carrie.When the girls gym teacher told the mean girls whom were bullying Carrie,"Your Prom Bids Will Not Be Accepted". This is often a great detterent to stop bullying,when something of value, is taken away from the little hooligans.
Two of the girls on the cheer squad were told that their prom bids would not be accepted,if they kept picking on the new girl in school. Those two will soon be on the "Prom Night Shit List".
by RTBSTRD November 5, 2013
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A Ford Econoline based handi-Van used for transporting devolopmentally disabled children to their school.
He is the dumbest kid in school,so he be taking the Geek Bus in the morning,not the regular school bus.
by RTBSTRD November 3, 2013
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Stuck Up middle or high school cheerleader,especially one with loose morals.
Since athletes and cheerleaders are the first ones to "Pair Off", they usually wind up spitting out kids before any of their classmates. Their "firstborn" is usually conceived on the night of the prom, as their classmates point to her and say:"That's a Future Welfare Mom In Training"!
by RTBSTRD November 2, 2013
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The liver of a person whom drinks to excess.
He (she) has drank so much in their lifetime,they probably have a "Pickled Liver".
by RTBSTRD November 5, 2013
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An obnoxious, hyperkinetic, or hyperactive toddler or grade school age kid,who is found running around and/or screaming at places like "Wally World" or Crapdonalds.
This is a library!! Not a playground or a Chuck E Cheese, so keep that Snotmuncher quiet!!
by RTBSTRD November 3, 2013
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