15 definitions by RANDOM DUDE

As used by Neil.See Neil.
It's a scheme we do. Yes and if you could just sort out the colour scheme.
by RANDOM DUDE January 14, 2005
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Something that is good and well liked by the shed. e.g Not cooper.
Sheeves are not very sheddly.
In fact they're unsheddly.
by RANDOM DUDE February 1, 2005
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Simply another classificatin used to support Elitism and other such BS that runs contrary to progress.
by RANDOM DUDE July 13, 2003
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You can get away with murder from taking CN pills- all it costs is some cash and your life.
by RANDOM DUDE December 15, 2004
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1) A little scope u look into to see a variety of swirling colours.

2) LSD and stoner vision.
If you can't afford a kaleidoscope- smoke some weed and you;ll enjoying it all night long.
by RANDOM DUDE November 22, 2004
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Possibly the greatest place on the planet. nay. in the universe.

The shed is at battle with the Anti-Shed ran by cooper and the sheeves
Oh yes the shed
Neil (see neil scheme) saw me going on the shed.
by RANDOM DUDE February 2, 2005
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The act of fucking someone who is under 18 (When your 18+) - quite ILLEGAL and common in USA. Quite LEGAL and common in Japan.
Need I say more?........................
by RANDOM DUDE November 22, 2004
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