11 definitions by R@D

A Eugene, typically the highest ranking Eugene of a region's Eugene population.
My friend Eugene just became the Eylmaogene of my town after setting a new highscore on the YiffnessGram™ test. I don't know what that is, but he's happy about it so I am proud of him!
by R@D November 8, 2016
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Trigger. Noun. 1. A small device that releases a spring or catch and so sets off a mechanism, especially in order to fire a gun.
2. Something which causes debilitating flashbacks, intense emotional and physical reactions, and even hallucinations in individuals suffering from PTSD. These can sometimes require emergency medical response and hospitalization. Those suffering from PTSD generally get treated through CBT and DBT to better function in society and live more normal lives.
3. Tumblr's synonym for "Anger" and "Annoyance". Tumblr is a place where people pretend to suffer from PTSD and other mental disorders and then claim to be "triggered" by things such as free speech, responsibilities, criticism, and reality.
Hey Dave! Could you take a look at my rifle? The trigger is jamming and I am no good repairing things like that.

Our neighbor Bob is a veteran, so we respectfully decline to shoot any fireworks on July 4th. He watched several of his lifelong friends die and is partially deaf from an explosion. Hearing anything that sounds like bombardment is a trigger for the poor guy.

Anita was triggered by a post online about the health benefits of sex which only mentioned heterosexual and homosexual sex, making no reference to cross-species intercourse. Because xe considers xerself a badger-kin, xe felt discriminated against and decided to rant about it on Tumblr.
by R@D October 21, 2016
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The penis of a man with extremely poor hygiene. It is named after the titan arum flower, also known as the corpse flower, whose proper species name (Amorphophallus titanum) roughly translates from Latin as "giant, misshapen penis) and whose odor resembles the smell of a rotting animal.

Synonyms include smelly dick, stinky cock, putrid phallus, and Nickelback.
So how was your date with that guy you're seeing? Did you finally bang?

Oh god no. As soon as he pulled off his pants I could smell his titanarum. I puked in my mouth a little.
by R@D December 7, 2016
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A Yu-Gi-Oh!-inspired card game with a Yugoslav Wars theme. Same premise, but instead of spiky-haired lil' fuckboys dueling monsters it is played by hulking Slavs and instead of using cards to summon monsters they beat the shit out of each other with lead pipes and rebar like real men.
Hey Vladimir, you want to play Yugo-Oh!?
No fuck off Dimitri, you have arm like bear and knock out two my teeth cyka blyat.
by R@D June 14, 2019
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An argument strategy in which person A, after calling person B something derogatory, brings up misinformation on a subject which a person rightfully belonging under said derogatory label would be passionate about, even if the information is relatively common knowledge. If person B is struggling for a rebuttal and decides to instead criticize person A's lack of understanding of the subject as a means of degrading them, they will instead end up lending validity to person A's insult by appearing to be knowledgeable on topics which a person belonging to the derogatory label would normally be knowledgeable on. Anyone attempting a Fool's Strawman can appear less intelligent and jock-ish due to the nature of the maneuver, but is usually of higher intelligence than the person they are roasting. It is best explained by example:
A: Wow, I bet you jerk off to those Chinese hentais you f***ing f**g.
B: Haha, those are Japanese not Chinese, you can't even get that right? R****d.
A: I wouldn't know, I don't watch that s**t... you would know though.

As we can see, B falls right into the Fool's Strawman by showing some degree of knowledge on the topic of hentai, thus making A's accusations more credible. Let's keep going:

B: Wow you're so edgy, f***ing memelord using tricks he learned on Urban Dictionary and s**t.
A: What the f**k is a memelord? Are you one of those 4chan f****ts? Are you gonna be triggered if I don't get your gender right?
B: That's not a 4chan thing, that's Tumblr!
A: Sorry, I don't sit on my computer jerking off to hentai and going on 4chan instead of talking to girls.
by R@D November 8, 2016
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A mass of idiots who pride themselves on being silent and making up a significant portion of the population (never actually more than 50%, or anywhere close). In reality, they are brain-dead cretins afraid of opening their mouths because they know any informed individual can prove them wrong; rather than being open-minded and engaging in debate, they hide from any debating what-so-ever as a way of preserving their stupidity and ignorance. Thus they are "silent" because you won't hear them participating in intellectual discourse but, come election day (or any other major vote), you will see these jackasses show up to cast votes.
The Silent Majority Stands with Trump.
by R@D December 12, 2016
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An advanced bong maneuver used by potheads too poor to afford dabs, or without a hookup for dabs. You pack a bowl in the best bong you can find, exhale and empty your lungs completely, and then light it and start ripping that shit until your herb burns out AND the chamber is completely cleared. Keep pulling it for 1 more second to draw in some air, then hold your breath for a moment, and exhale slowly through your nose.
Example 1:
1: Damn fam ever since I moved back home for the summer all I've got is my old weed hookup from high school.
2: Fuck it wanna do Hobo Dabs?
1: Yeah.
2. Cool.
1: Ok.

Example 2:
1: Holy shit fam I'm broken. I am falling off of the thread of time man.
2: Kids do not try a Hobo Dab at home. Or ever.
1: Is Popeyes still open?
2: I don't know.
1: Ok.
2: Sorry.
1: Ok.
by R@D January 28, 2018
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