26 definitions by Qinhlerjano

Somebody who thinks that they have the answer to something, and are so sure of themselves they publicly share they're solution. They would then get told something that they hadn't thought of about in they're solution and lose all the confidence they had prior to them getting told. They would not act stubborn about it and start arguing, but just pretend like the encounter never happend while silently adding the newly learned information. Also it's 1, not a real word, and 2, pronounced "wErniaTthachafEt"
John was known to be a wërjñatdhaçfafët due to the fact that literally every time he thinks of a solution for something, Tom makes a bruh moment out of it and adds 2X more stuff to the solution without breaking a sweat
by Qinhlerjano November 28, 2019
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Like the term "smells loud" except with taste. If something tastes loud, it usually refers to the taste of Marijuana being extreme or at it's most. It can refer to practically any other drug to, but mostly used with Marijuana.
This pot tastes loud like hell man, I mean, I thought it was a thnead when Josh gave it to me but I guess not.
by Qinhlerjano December 1, 2019
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Someone who is being really insensitive or rude pretending to not know it. They pretend to be ignorant since they know you'll be more annoyed if you think that they don't know what they're saying/doing is wrong. Also 1. Zhërooxhjën isn't a real word (obviously) and 2. it's pronounced "zshEroojgyEn"
Zhërooxhjëns are basically just upgraded Karens since they know what they're saying/doing is bad so they can manipulate the situation to make what they're saying/doing even worse
by Qinhlerjano November 28, 2019
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When you sprinkle coke on high quality Marijuana, then light it on fire and snort in the smoke.
John and Bob both had a Smokin Pot'o Gol the other day and the effect of it was still on them.
by Qinhlerjano November 30, 2019
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An undeserved runt/bad person who doesn't deserve much if not all of the backlash from people. Someone can become a reijgrwë by doing something bad, making a big mistake, being underestimated by first impressions, or even by just being unfunny. Also I know your wondering this, so reijgrwë is pronounced "reiYguhrwE".
Just because John had accidentally shot Toms grandpa with a pistol, everybody considered him a horrible person, which John thought was harsh and though of himself as only a Reijgrwë
by Qinhlerjano November 28, 2019
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To call someone dumb (It's not even in a foreign language either, just smashed my keyboard)

I'm also Albanian and to say this word in Albanian you would say "Pweketnulyar" so thats how you pronounce it
He was being very Pgwequetnuljar in Toms eyes as he started ranting on how Apex legends is better then Fortnite even though both those games were deader then his grandpa by now
by Qinhlerjano November 28, 2019
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