13 definitions by Pyrus

1. A lost pet of the four-elbowed man.
Can you find the fish? Wherever could it be?

I wonder where that fish did go?
A fish
A fish
A fishy
by Pyrus October 21, 2003
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A style of metal derived from speed metal like Motörhead and Judas Priest, influenced by hardcore punk such as Discharge and Bad Brains. Faster and more focused on rhythm than traditional heavy metal; the guitar riff is the absolute center of thrash metal, and many thrash bands (Dark Angel in particular) are famous for cramming as many riffs as they can into every song. Lyrics are primarily sociopolitical/(anti-)religious, or focused on mindless violence (often tongue-in-cheek); vocals have the widest range of any metal genre, from hardcore punk shouts to melodic singing to death metal growls.

Thrash began in the early 80s; depending on who you ask, the first thrash band was Metallica, Exodus, Overkill or even Venom. Thrash is best enjoyed by headbanging or moshing.
Bay Area thrash: Metallica, Testament, Death Angel, Heathen
East Coast thrash: Anthrax, Overkill
German thrash: Kreator, Sodom, Destruction
Modern thrash: The Haunted, Dew Scented -OR- Toxic Holocaust, Hypnosia (differing schools of thought)
by Pyrus August 27, 2004
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Insubstantial, irrational belief.
by Pyrus October 23, 2003
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A genre of metal that basically consists of standard heavy metal played at faster tempos with an emphasis on the basic guitar riffs. (Can be compared to a melodic version of thrash.) Created by Judas Priest.
by Pyrus August 27, 2004
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Most basically, a fan of metal music. Metalheads are stereotyped as loud, obnoxious, stupid, drunk, and non-achieving; also as defiant, free-thinking, tough, and fed up with the social status quo. There is an element of truth to all of these, particularly the last.

Metalheads tend to be clannish, or at least identify with each other due to familiarity with esoteric bits of information on bands that most people have no clue exist.

Ways to spot a metalhead: long hair, t-shirts with band slogans and logos, denim or leather clothing, proclivity for yelling "JUDAS FUCKING PRIEST!" or other such barbarities.
Bands considered to (lyrically) sum up the spirit of heavy metal: Judas Priest, W.A.S.P., Deströyer 666, Exodus.
by Pyrus August 27, 2004
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A person who has accepted the fact that there is no god(s).
"I used to be blinding by religion, but now I'm an atheist."
by Pyrus October 21, 2003
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Totally fucking awesome and/or glorious, i.e. Bill And Ted. Used often by metalheads.
"Dude, that chick is so triumphant."

"Holy shit, check out the new Judas Priest–it's totally triumphant!"
by Pyrus August 27, 2004
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