123 definitions by Pseudonym

Beware, This guy will lie through his teeth about anything and everything, he should be avoided. Hangs around Yahoo chat and such.
The Kitty: Hi
Person1: Argh! I've heard about you, you're that retard with no life aren't you?!
The Kitty: Yes. Yes I am
Person1: *Runs away, lives happily ever after*
by Pseudonym March 30, 2005
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one of the best rap labels ever
the game is one of the best rapers out there
by Pseudonym February 27, 2005
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I want you to be sensitive and brave and caring and tough and have a great body and be an intellectual and give me all your money
by Pseudonym April 7, 2004
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This is not a real word but is mostly heard when non-germans like to try and imitate what a German would say. It is mostly related to Blitzkrieg.
Blitzenkriegen jiezen houfzhoun.
by Pseudonym November 16, 2004
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Acronym for 'What Would Jesus Do?'
That kid is wearing a bracelet that says 'WWJD?'
by Pseudonym August 31, 2004
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1. use when being scarcastic about things.

2. very dragged out.
1. Your right, and i weigh 100 pounds.

2. your righttttt
by Pseudonym October 2, 2004
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A Chinese meme “原批”, this is to taunt nerds who play the gameGenshin Impact”, and putting lots of money for their “wifes”.
Diana: 我超(Wo chao), OP!

OP: That’s me, I love playing “Genshin Impact”!!!
by Pseudonym July 9, 2022
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