12 definitions by Pro-love Girl

A ning-nong, frequently abbreviated to nong, is someone who has done something stupid or clumsy and has caused a nuisance to others. Although it is can be an insult, it is often used affectionately, especially by Australians.
"Ah Charlie, you're such a ning-nong!" (in reply to a deliberately weak joke.)

Why did you go and invite that ning-nong to our barbecue? He's embarrassing all our guests!

"Stop being such a ning-nong, will you? You're upsetting your sister!
by Pro-love Girl February 18, 2011
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delaying of some job until later; may be due to lack of enthusiasm or tiredness.
Procrastinator's motto:- Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow.

"I must do something about my procrastination, next year."
by Pro-love Girl April 25, 2010
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The attitude or philosophy that counts all human life as sacred and inviolable, from the moment that life exists, at conception, especially since the baby is alive and growing, and different in every way from either parent. Those who are pro-life reject abortion and euthanasia as murder.
The abortionist was intent on continuing his bloodthirsty destruction of babies for many years, and the law was doing nothing to prevent it. Being pro-life, we were left with a choice of taking one life, or turning our backs and allow the killing of thousands to continue. We dearly would have loved to take no life at all, but the abortionist, being a mass murderer, had prevented that choice from being available.
by Pro-love Girl April 25, 2010
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Incest is when you finally realize that you really do love your brother or your father, and together you discover the wonder and the beauty and the joy of expressing that deep love to each other with your bodies.
"Most girls grow up and leave home and search the world for their true love, never realizing that he was just in the next room - and they would have known, but society had brainwashed them into thinking that incest was somehow taboo."
by Pro-love Girl December 21, 2009
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A condition of fear that causes one to be tense, awkward, jittery, and apprehensive, possibly with trembling or excitability, often caused by being uncertain of what dangers may be looming or how to handle them.

For example, teenagers regularly feel nervous when they don't know what an attractive person of the opposite sex thinks of them.
"as nervous as a leaf in a tornado"

"as nervous as a nun in a sperm bank"
by Pro-love Girl April 25, 2010
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An attitude or philosophy that embraces or supports or believes in all forms of genuine committed love and caring, and its sexual expression, whether interracial, gay, incestuous, or any other type of human relationship.
Quote: I challenged him, saying "You say "Love one another". I say, "If a lifelong devotion has arisen in your heart for someone, if your happiness depends on theirs, if your greatest joy is found in doing things together, if you are willing to make sacrifices for their benefit, then what the hell does it matter if they have a different colored skin, or if they have the same genitals, or if they happen to be closely related?" Being pro-love, I had overcome my own prejudice, fear, and negative judgment, and I wanted him to overcome his. End of quote
by Pro-love Girl April 25, 2010
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When he told me about what he had done, I was surprised! I asked him "Straight up?" and he said "Yeah, honest!"
by Pro-love Girl May 3, 2010
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