10 definitions by Pristine

Goku is the hawt bishie from Gensou Maden Saiyuki that is like 500 years old but magically looks more around 18. He was placed away in a mountain with cage like formations for bars that made him really tweaked out. He had a pet bird that unfortunately died outside of his reach.

He also had no food and could only wait for Sanzo to come rescue him. Sanzo obviously did save him only because he couldn't tolerate Goku's 'crying out to him' no longer. So the two left and Sanzo became a 'babysitter' and Goku became one of Sanzo's followers.

His token sayings are "Harahetta!" (I'm hungry) and "Sanzo" (just take a guess). He also likes to fight with Gojyo and is sort of taken care of by Hakkai as well. The best thing about Goku is that he can kick major ass, namely being yokai or Kougaji. The only one that really gets to him is Homura but that's because Homura has some 'Mad War Prince Power' and some sexual induendo.

Lastly, Goku is based off the Monkey King from the Saiyuki Chinese legend just like the Goku from DBZ.
by Pristine January 7, 2005
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An individual obsessed with Kamui, Seishirou, and pretty much anything that walks. Also refuses to wear cat suits and has the tendency to bite in the hopes of consuming some blood.
by Pristine December 20, 2004
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DASH is a term used to describe boys with very long curly hair usually figured to be girls.
by Pristine December 17, 2004
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A manga about an unsettled novelist, Yuki Eiri, wanting to be left alone but ends up meeting a newfound singer that stalks him while wearing a puppy suit named Shuichi.

Shuichi competes against a much better and sexier singer names Ryuichi that basically whoops his booty in singing. But Shuichi starts to let loose his own bottled up talent while being stressed with his relationship with Yuki.

There is even a highly developed attack called the KUMAGORO BEAM Ryuichi uses to protect himself from Tatsuha, Yuki's almost twin-like and perverse brother
My favorite yaoi manga is Gravitation!
by Pristine December 17, 2004
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An individual whom lacks talent but has a disorder in thinking he/she can perform great writing skills
That Savidana story just brought blood to my ears
by Pristine December 17, 2004
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The place where the Sailor stars botoleg goes for mad amounts and is where I sold my fiancee Dash
I owe Ebay 500 dolla fo fees
by Pristine December 20, 2004
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an attack used with a stuffed bunny rabbit

the rabbit is tossed at an amazing speed towards the victim's head while the user shouts, "KUMAGORO BEAM"
I must use the Kumagoro Beam to save us all!
by Pristine December 17, 2004
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