22 definitions by PopeMichael

Rhyming slang for the Gicker, based on the real-life Brenda Fricker, an Academy Award winning Irish Actress of very high standing.
I gave it to her in the Brenda Fricker.
by PopeMichael November 23, 2009
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To be Confidentish is to be confident, but with the added insurance of a small measure of doubt. Confidentishness can help save face when fateful errors of prediction occur.
"Can you score that hot blond by the bar?"
"Uh well, I'm Confidentish?"
by PopeMichael March 26, 2010
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To menstruate.
"Hey Frannie, want to go roller-blading?"
"Hell no, I'm Cracking an Egg"
by PopeMichael February 9, 2010
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An unusual and unattractive excessive projection of a female's lower abdomen. Most common in females over forty years of age. Stomach area above the Piss Belly generally remains relatively unaffected.
by PopeMichael July 21, 2009
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Persons who greet each other with the word "Story" (an abbreviation of the greeting "What's the Story?"). "Stories" traditionally wear tracksuits and are slightly undesirable.
Here come a bunch of Stories / Bloody Stories / Oh no - Story kids.
by PopeMichael July 21, 2009
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An escalation of a state of Domestic Violence, whereby the "open hand" of a slap is exchanged for the "closed hand" of a fist.
"So what happened?"
"She went crazy and slapped me!"
"Oh man, that's terrible!"
"And the look in her eye; Dude, I thought she was gonna Close The Hand..."
by PopeMichael April 21, 2011
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Acronym for "Members of the Travelling Community" / "Members of the Traveller Community". A non-derogatory reference that's less of a mouthful than the "official" title.
MTCs are a traditionally nomadic people of Irish origin living predominantly in Ireland, Great Britain, and the United States. Go MTCs!
by PopeMichael October 13, 2009
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