36 definitions by Polo

a person who is narrow-minded or has limited knowledge or insight to anything outside his or her immediate life.

basically someone who lacks education or higher thought.
I tried to start a conversation about Hapsburg Europe with that hot looking babe at the party who is supposedly a history major.
turns out she's just another mental midget, since all she talked about was her ex boyfriend Diego and her Mary Kay cosmetics collection!
by Polo June 18, 2005
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what you say to someone who says something that you disapprove of
Sammy: "say Sally, isn't your 40th birthday just around the corner?"

Sally: (with icy look in her eyes) ".....bite your tongue old man!"
by Polo January 25, 2006
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metaphor pertaining to something of a fragile or volatile nature.

-from an old past-time of standing up playing cards together in the form of a house, this "structure" can fall apart at any time from the slightest action (e.g. an air current).
"We must plan this campaign implementing maximum precision, else it will disintegrate into a house of cards."
by Polo December 15, 2007
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1) any beverage, most often one which is or contains alcohol.
2) "in the drink" - referring to something that is over and done with.
(from the golf term, a small body of water on the course where the ball will sometimes fall into).
one more year in the drink...so let's have one more drink, shall we?
by Polo January 1, 2005
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Ese cabron is bien huevon.
That asshole is a lazy fuck.
by Polo October 19, 2003
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"you must be joking!" or "you can't be serious!"
John Bull: "The Labour Party winning a majority in the next election?? My good man...surely you jest!"

John Doe: "I jest you not! And don't call me Shirley!"

by Polo December 30, 2008
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certain aspects or traits of a person or thing that reveal themselves, either occasionally or on a regular basis.
"It doesn't really surprise me that she said things to you. But don't take it personally. I mean, after all, she's generally a nice person, albeit a bit quirky at times. It's just the nature of the beast I guess."
by Polo May 1, 2006
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