15 definitions by Pirate

1) Once lived a mystical lad in depths of a land called east didsbury. Due to the lads outlandish behaviour he was subject 2 regualr mocking from the likes of leaonard and shaun. One day the name predox originated and has stuck ever since.


2) A brand of cleaning agent

Take your pick.
1) Hide the fukin forty predox, the po po are here

2) Get the predox luv, ive spilt wine on the floor.
by Pirate September 8, 2004
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An abbriviation of the word session, may relate to drinking, smoking pot, excessive computer gaming or anything else that lasts a prolonged period of time.
Yo, u in for the sesh

yeh sure
by Pirate November 29, 2005
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Dang you I R TeH PWNzOR NAMEd CrEEAaM you beat me to it! ARRR Couple months off too. :(

Sitting in Chair Laughing!!!
I say rofl so much! But I have never acutally rolled on the floor while laughing, because I am such a lazy @ss. I should say sicl because its so much easier! Besides my sunburn hurts when I went in the sun for mor than 2 minutes that one day.
by Pirate April 11, 2005
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What Ben Midgly always did after some scalls sparked him in the eyepiece with a pool cue. He was neva gna b caught shallow again.
Ahmed - "look theres ben"
Gary - "yeh he's rolling deep"
by Pirate August 22, 2004
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When a ratchet spends all day snap chatting twerk videos trying to get that dick
Also a term used by ratchets to describe extremely basic ass selfie videos of themeslves twerking alone in their bedroom or other places that aren't directly related to anything involving the need to be dancing or being turnt up
"Yo your sister been in her room all day net-twerking and blasting kesha"
"Ya that's all she does is net-twerk and eat ice cream and fight with our parents about how she's mature and should be treated like an adult"

Ratchet 1-' yo girl you seen my posts I been net-twerking all day trying to get turnt up'
Ratchet 2- 'ya I seen it you've got that net-twerk life down girl we should have a circle net-twerk session and get turnt up my moms not gonna be him till tomorrow'
by Pirate February 9, 2015
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A communal gathering place of all of manchesters scally population. On occasions a group of thugs will threaten to "split your wig" or may even through a half chewed strawberry cone in your direction and then run of down the road shouting ice cream coat at you in a shrill voice, followed by im gonna get my brother to spark you out.
"betta watch it laddy or im gonna split your wig"

"look hes wearing the ice cream coat"

Leonard in retaliation "what you got a badger down you ur pants?"
by Pirate April 2, 2004
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