by amogus so sus April 26, 2021
by Running out of patience February 2, 2007
Low key aka on the DL performing fellatio on an islander. Usually considered of the homosexual nature.
Bob: "Does John have a timeshare in Honolulu? I swear ever he started hanging out with that fellow Kaui, he doesn't want to hang out because he's 'always busy eating ice cream in Hawaii'."
by Professor TBD August 27, 2021
A term used to describe a situation so fucked up that the situation can only conclude in a big mess.
Employee 1: Did you hear Kanye West is a human resources manager now?!?!!
Employee 2: Oh that is like the Cookie Monster Eating Ice Cream.
Employee 2: Oh that is like the Cookie Monster Eating Ice Cream.
by Yellow 55 August 7, 2016
by Some1onearth June 13, 2022
by Birdyfly12 June 7, 2016