13 definitions by Pimpleapps

As someone who has used the comments section for 5 years, it’s decent at best with some actual people with brain cells and bring up actual quality points. But that’s kinda hard to find. At worst it’s the most toxic heap of garbage. I would say it’s the worst, but Twitter exists, and loads of people there are idiots. The majority of people there are ignorant, assholes, manchildren, trolls (not even the funny kind) spammers, like beggars, annoying and idiots. You’ll either be pretty happy after reading them, or start thinking that humanity was a mistake.

The day YouTube decides to make an option to never look at comments again on videos is the day we can live in peace and harmony.
YouTube comments. You’ll either like em, or wish you could bleach your memory.
by Pimpleapps April 17, 2021
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A word that is horribly misused. YouTube comments tend to use this term a lot without actually knowing what it means. It means unrecognised or not valued highly enough not free internet points for something you like.
Video: Exists.
Idiot: OMG!!! SO UNDERRATED!! ☺️☺️
by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021
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It’s basically God. Also the physical definition of an Uno reverse card. Also sends you to a death loop. Just don’t fuck with it, or Giorno Giovanna.
Gold Experience Requiem: I’m basically god motherfucker.
by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021
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It’s either the actual tea, or it’s by far the silliest localised stand name of all time. How do you make tea threatening!?
Green Tea’s quicky secret.
by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021
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Someone’s fetish word. Also is deranged as hell and likes bagels. Also stay away from two toned bears.
Some crazy man on an island: Hope is contagious, I must have more of that hope!

Man with a a spike on his head: bro wtf?
by Pimpleapps April 7, 2021
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Bisexual vampire uses it in a taunting manner to kill a buff man with a road roller and his son uses it as a war cry to display his hatred towards a man who makes mouldy chocolate.
Dio: Die Jotaro! WRYYYYY!!
Giorno: Fuck you asshole you ruined chocolate pudding for me! WRYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!
by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021
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