13 definitions by Pimpleapps

Someone’s fetish word. Also is deranged as hell and likes bagels. Also stay away from two toned bears.
Some crazy man on an island: Hope is contagious, I must have more of that hope!

Man with a a spike on his head: bro wtf?
by Pimpleapps April 7, 2021
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Things that can/used to be funny, but get incredibly overused and stale and die really quickly. Also recent memes are just kinda bad and do not deserve the popularity they get. Like the average fan vs average enjoyer meme. Sometimes people do something unique with them which is greatly appreciated, but that’s really rare.
Hey look guys he said sus!! Isn’t that wacky?? It’s funny because it’s a meme lol!!
by Pimpleapps May 2, 2021
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Guys c’mon the boat scene wouldn’t be nearly as emotional if everyone joined. Plus Narancia was also about to dip. He had a good reason to not join a suicide mission. No one in the anime was angry at him nor held him accountable so please leave cheese boy alone. Plus we got Purple Haze Feedback so I’d say it’s a fair trade.
Fugo, the underused character who got an amazing novel to make up for it.
by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021
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It’s like your asshole, everyone has one (at least you should have one.) Sometimes however, you should keep certain opinions to yourself, lest you get bombarded with hate or all the slurs in the dictionary.
Say an opinion on politics, and people will feast on you like a pack of wolves.
by Pimpleapps April 17, 2021
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Hoooo boy. On one hand, the name makes more sense than Sticky Fingers, but on the other, it just sounds ridiculous.
Ah yes, my favourite superhero, Zipper Man.
by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021
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It’s either the actual tea, or it’s by far the silliest localised stand name of all time. How do you make tea threatening!?
Green Tea’s quicky secret.
by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021
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