196 definitions by Peter

The sexiness of all time. The women's lover. maximum intellgince.. Power over everyone.
That guy is a maximilien
by Peter March 8, 2005
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A child's nonsense name for a beloved pet, similar to "binky" or "fluffy."
"I love my booj, he is the bestest kitty in the whole world."
by Peter December 12, 2003
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A member of the Republican Party (USA)who is (pretty much always) socially conservative, generally free-market and person who opposes the Democratic party's agenda. Unfortuantely, some Democrats people have a blind hatred of Republicans, and vice versa.
"I think I'm going to become a Republican."
by Peter January 21, 2004
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Slogan of "Asian Boys", asian gang in Los Angeles area.
by Peter December 10, 2003
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A womens genitals. West Indian Slang when you are mad.
Why the scunt you gotta be drinkin bai.
by Peter February 27, 2003
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When your dog wakes you up to take him outside to drop off his payload and instead you pick him up to put him on the bed with you because you're too damn lazy to get up, and while picking him up you squeeze his stomach and he pinches one planting a warm fuzzy on your forehead.
Husband: I better take Otis out before he pulls another Shaulis.
by Peter April 16, 2004
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