2 definitions by Penis Alota

The hypocritical call for action toward a team or entity that one has no affiliation with. Many times, this can refer to the firing or “cleaning house” or an otherwise moderately successful coaching staff.
Jim: Wow, those fans are calling for that coaches head after that beat down.

Mark: Yes, this is classic Hawkeye-ing. They don’t even have a reason to care, but they feign outrage to put up the facade, like they actually have a clue what’s going on.

Jim: Man…..those people must be insufferable personally.
by Penis Alota September 24, 2023
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Being a fan of a sport team without any real affiliation or connection to said team.

Jim: Why is that fan such a big fan of the Hawks? He didn’t even go to that school. As a matter of fact, he dropped out of community college.

Mark: Meh, he’s hawkeye-ing. You expect garbage to smell, right?
by Penis Alota September 21, 2023
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