38 definitions by PeeBee

Dumbass(at the drive thru): "I'll have the Chicken McNuggets and a Coke."
Smartass: "Want fries with that?"
Dumbass: "Yeah, throw in some dipping sauce too."
Smartass: "We have a new flavor called Jamacian jerksauce. Do you want to try some?"
Dumbass: "Sure."
Smartass: "Your order will be ready in just a few minutes."
by PeeBee October 15, 2005
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Male genitalia that lacks or has very little pubic hair. Women prefer giving head to Mister Smoothie, rather than Mister Hairy Sausage.
All the girls love it when Mister Smoothie comes to town.
by PeeBee February 11, 2004
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"I'm gonna find the motherfucker who stole my crack and do a face dance on him!"
by PeeBee February 28, 2004
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1. Someone's pecker that is sore from over useage or disease.
2. Someome who is so hungover that they can't see straight.
3. A dumbass who can't think their way out of anything.
Man, you are one hurting unit.
by PeeBee February 22, 2004
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To take it up the ol' poop chute, literally or figuratively. From the movie "Deliverance" starring Ned Beatty who gets forcibly sodomized by a backwoods redneck pig farmer.
Redneck: "Squeal like a pig, boy!"
Ned Beatty (not knowing what's about to happen): squeal. squeal. squeal.........
by PeeBee February 11, 2004
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Puking up your guts into the toilet bowl while holding on to the rim with both hands to prevent yourself from falling in, while the room spins around and around.
After the party last night I went home and started driving the big white bus.
by PeeBee February 18, 2004
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1. A Pat Benatar discography from 1985.
2. Getting seven inches of man meat up a virgin bung.
3. A sexual practice where a woman will do seven guys at once. In the cunt, ass, mouth, one in each hand and one in each ear.
Too bad guys can't do 7 chicks at once. Even if you could use your dick, tounge, both hands and both feet all at the same time you would only have six!
by PeeBee February 21, 2004
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