31 definitions by Panthera Atrox

slang for the perverse fleecing of citizens for higher and more taxes, Pork-Barrel Pet Projects, and Excess Federal Spending so the 'bureaucratic monster/s" yielding rich benefits/moneys fattening their already bloated wallets/bank accounts.

The darker side of politics.
Politics is just high class Porknography.
by Panthera Atrox January 26, 2011
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someone or something ruined or cheated over in the worst possible way.
Bad politics fuckufied everything up for the people.
by Panthera Atrox January 24, 2011
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; any driver who passes and flies in and out of traffic lanes without using direction signals.

An mental case behind the wheel.
That shifthead nearly caused an accident in two lanes!
by Panthera Atrox January 29, 2011
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:endlessly seeking to find rare or valuable treasures among discarded items/trash left out on the curb or street.
A friend went curbside shopping yesterday and found a rare comic book which was left as trash on the curb.
by Panthera Atrox January 26, 2011
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A perverted deviant, an obnoxious lewd person which enjoys searching and engaging with porn online and is often seen stalking young unsuspecting kids in chat rooms.

The epitome of a pig.
She didn't realize she was talking with a pigophile untill she saw what he sent to her.
by Panthera Atrox January 25, 2011
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The study of dusty old collectible/s. (junk)
A degree in Junkology can cover a wide range of subjects from studying and collecting antiques, records, sports memorabilia, and ahhh well, any kind of junk, clutter, garbage, litter, garbage, anyone can dream of.
by Panthera Atrox January 25, 2011
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talking or discussing things in a unintelligent manner with a low confusing voice..
Can you repeat that again? I don't engage in discussions in affluent mumble.
by Panthera Atrox May 28, 2011
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