12 definitions by Pamela

Axl is the best frontman of the world.
His voice is admirable. Axl is the best singer. Axl is unique.
Axl is like the Sun. We can not live without him.
by Pamela June 6, 2004
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something started in the 80`s when people didn`t want to be told what to do or what to say any more they were fed up of being over looked so they stood up for what they believed in.

true anarchy is rare now that we have posers walking the earth
Poser: Oh my god!!! I Looooove Avril she rox my sockies *giggle*
by Pamela January 20, 2004
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characterized by a copious amount of nipple
that porn sure is nipplistic
by Pamela January 4, 2007
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she of health and beauty
by Pamela September 23, 2003
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my friend Randy. who we believe keeps rufinol in his pocketses at all times. for those 'special moments' with the ladies.
So I was talking to the Rufinator, and he tried to give me a drink. Um, I said 'no.'
by Pamela March 23, 2004
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A unit of measurement that can encompass anything, and any breadth. Anything you can possibly conceive of can be used on the quiche-o-meter, however the most commonly used scales range from David Hasselhoff to Chuck Norris (or any other kind of b-grade actor, or washed up star you can think of).

The idea of the universal Quiche-O-Meter was first conceived by a group of Melbournian Uni students who came to the realisation that their cafe served quite shocking quiches. This in turn led to the realisation that anything in the world can be defined as good or bad when compared to different types of quiches as well as to different types of actors. i.e. Chuck Norriss will score higher than David Hasselhoff, but William Shattner will score higher again.
by Pamela March 3, 2005
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