115 definitions by PRwiz101

(n.) - Print newspapers that have folded and are now defunct, such as the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
"The list of now-defunct failpapers is getting longer and longer, and I worry how many daily newspapers will survive in the future."

-- Overheard at a watercooler in a newspaper office in Los Angeles
by PRwiz101 November 6, 2010
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(n.) - a phobia relating to feeling very uncomfortable and uneasy if asked
to communicate with others using Skype and usually refusing do use it for this reason
"I just did my first Skype chat the other day, and I must say it felt
very uncomfortable and weird to me. I think I
probably suffer from Skypophobia, and for the most part I prefer
either direct telephone voice calls or emails. I'm Skypophobic."
by PRwiz101 January 21, 2014
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Food, a snack, comfort food, fast food, gourmet food. Also coffee, tea, wine, beer or a cold milkshake on a hot summer day.
"Let's stop at the next rest stop on the highway and get some throat therapy."
by PRwiz101 July 11, 2008
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People who are unemployed and using the free time to have fun and explore new areas in their lives while they wait for their next job opportunity.
"Hey, man, I just love being funemployed now. I can have all day and night to enjoy my life and have fun, instead of working for The Man, you know."

-- overheard at a watercooler in a public library in Longmeadow, Massachusetts, June 29, 2009
by PRwiz101 July 3, 2009
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(n.) -- An image taken from a computer screen or homepage and duplicating it on a newspaper or magazine page (grabbing the image from the screen)
"That YouTube video image in the newspaper today was a screengrab, that's how the editors got it, off the computer screen."

-- overheard in a newsroom at a newspaper in New York, July 3, 1999
by PRwiz101 March 11, 2010
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(n.) -- words that are spelled incorrrectly, for all the world to see, on TV broadcasts at CNN and other networks
"I've seen some real bloopers and howlers on CNN recently, where the headline writer spelled "competing" as "competiting" and things like that. Happens almost every day on my TV screen, all the networks do it. Don't they have copyeditors? I call them 'crash possums' because they remind me of dead possums on rural roads and highways."

-- Overheard outside a coffee shop in Harvard Square in Cambridge on January 8, 2010
by PRwiz101 January 16, 2010
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(n.) -- A writer or blogger who "trolls" in a multichannel, multimedia environment, trying to bait readers into a reaction that editors want to generate.
"You know, a true newspaper columnist might make controversial arguments or challenge common sense, but a trollumist merely provokes outrage in order to sell papers, draw links and capture increasingly scarce reader attention. I'm sick of them!"

-- overheard at a watercooler in Sydney, Australia, November 1, 2009
by PRwiz101 November 2, 2009
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