37 definitions by Ollie

With two penises, usually arranged side-by-side, each supplied protein shake by one testicle. Inconvenient for everything other than threesomes, for which diphernal people are perfectly suited.
Ben's diphernal, but he's two ugly to get two bitches
by Ollie April 13, 2005
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An increasingly common Spanglish term used in jest to label someone as a the illegitimate offspring of a slag and manwhore
Carlos, el bastidio!
by Ollie April 13, 2005
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Eminem's common interlude to a hit, or a rapper's greeting
"Guess whos back, back again, shady's back, tell a friend."Eminem (without me)
by Ollie March 5, 2005
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haha that julie bitch was bragging about kicking some one in the nuts till his busted her lip haha now that funny
by Ollie March 1, 2005
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foolish, a twat, some1 who tries to hard to be cool then fails.
My golly jeromy you are a mongral.
by Ollie September 6, 2003
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the up most level of self satisfaction. ;to be utterly smug.
in the morning john was so pleased with his efforts, his mood could be described as nothing less than smuggary.
by Ollie February 6, 2004
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A cluster or gaggle of friggen idiots.
A Pack of Jackasses are blocking the front doors to the mall.
by Ollie September 23, 2003
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