11 definitions by Oli

often mistaken for cousin of anand. Does a cool eye thing. Bit of a P I M P
Will probs beat up mark at some point. I think he hides swords and knives under his turban.
holy shit he gonna bust a sword outta that turban, watch out mark u big gay
by Oli December 3, 2004
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A very sweet name, commonly associated with funny and cute girls that are definately NOT fat. ;)
Marijana is VERy Funky.

Yippie Ippie!
by Oli October 13, 2003
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A game of basketball played where players call their own fouls.Usually played on a street court or park.
I'm going to Rucker Park to play some street ball.
by Oli August 27, 2003
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A word used in the event of a good idea which cannot be expressed immediately.
Habajeeba is to be used with exclaimation, such as:

HABAJEEBA!!! We could have pizza tonight!

It is, however, not limited to pizza.
by Oli July 9, 2004
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stop wapponing me Doris!!!
by Oli January 12, 2004
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can be used as an exclamation for anything.
shibidee! its cold out here!
by Oli January 9, 2004
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Ant fucker.
Dutch insult for someone who:
- Pays too much attention to details
- Is always ignored
- Has a little penis
by Oli September 4, 2003
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