15 definitions by Old Phardt

Angry person with blue hair. Typically morbidly obese and militant about fat acceptance, claims to be trans, often to be found in white knee socks and hotpants.
For some reason I can't quite put my finger on, there are very few Harry Potter fans in the woke smurf community.
by Old Phardt December 31, 2022
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The body of catechism and apocrypha constituting the foundational myth of the authoritarian pseudo-progressive cult of Woke. The Wokeweird is known only to a select group of hierophants and embodied in the Book of the Wokeweird, which according to legend was buried by the Woke Vestal Priestess beneath Chateau Foucault in Thule.
Aiee! Strong in Professor Butler the wokeweird is ... hmmm ... yes
by Old Phardt February 4, 2023
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Wuhan Flu nostalgic individual still sporting a surgical mask in 2023.
"Professor Michie's gone tonto again. I just saw her wearing a mask while driving alone in her car."
"No surprises there. Woman's an absolute continuity maskurbator."
by Old Phardt February 8, 2023
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Gratuitously unpleasant behaviour towards white people because of their race, usually 'performed' by other white people.
"The New York Times capitalises 'black' while not capitalising 'white'. Honestly, that's so woke racist."
by Old Phardt August 27, 2021
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Hair dyed blue.
"Did you hear that Neil's announced they're trans and want everyone to use 'they' pronouns?"
"I knew something was brewing when they went full wokewoad."
by Old Phardt April 4, 2022
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a space initially and ostensibly operating on a principle of anarchism or leaderlessness, in which the political functions are gradually usurped by an assertive elite, who become the tyrants
Towards the end of its brief and inglorious existence, the clown world that was CHAZ degenerated into outright anarcho-tyranny.
by Old Phardt January 8, 2023
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