130 definitions by Nutzen YerMouf

Someone who claims to be morally superior but gleefully revels in the downfall or destruction of others.
When Stephen Hawking died, hundreds of religassess came out and announced joyfully, while feigning sadness, that he was burning in hell for denying god.

The religass love natural disasters because it gives them an opportunity to blame it on god being angry with homosexuals.
by Nutzen YerMouf March 22, 2018
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When a woman lives in a house with a lot of cats and the cat litter boxes never get cleaned, permeating the air with the smell of cat shit, it causes the vagina and vulva to absorb the cat poop smell.
My friend stuck his fingers in my face when we were at the store
"Ugh!" I gasped, "What the fuck is that?"
"It's Melissa's vagina, I was fingering her."
"Damn, all those cats she has gave her cat poop pussy."
by Nutzen YerMouf March 15, 2018
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A widely popular and overused joke.
So named due to the long-standing and overused joke about eating taco bell and having diarrhea, the taco bell joke has become a staple of every uncreative comedian everywhere.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" was the original taco bell joke.

Jokes about all male parties being sausage fests are taco bell jokes.

Most jokes about your wife, women in general, and your momma being so fat have become taco bell jokes due to their lack of originality and their popularity.
by Nutzen YerMouf May 15, 2018
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A tight vagina that forms a vacuum seal around the penis, that when the penis is extracted it pulls it back in.
"I was banging Kelly the other day, that bitch is so tight she has a vampire vag!"
by Nutzen YerMouf February 15, 2018
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What you would call a stupid person to make them feel better about themselves.
Albert said, "Yeah I told him he was a regular Benjamin Einstein. He got a big smile on his face and thanked me."
Thomas said laughing, "So did he really think gluing lube to his hand would allow him to masturbate anywhere?"
"Think it! He had already done it!"
by Nutzen YerMouf February 9, 2018
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Ass crack hair full of klingons from poor hygiene. It resembles a bush with berries on it.
The guy in the porno movie bent over causing the three guys to bust out laughing.
"Look at that nasty berry bush," Ed said.
In a moment of realization, Frank said, "Three dudes watching a porno together commenting on a guys ass is kind of gay."
"Shut up Frank, I see vag!"
by Nutzen YerMouf February 15, 2018
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This involves two people sitting on the breasts of a third person, typically a woman or large obese man. One person will sit on one breast, the other will sit on the other breast. They will then rock back and forth until one of them falls off.
Jon and Alex invited Rebecca over to play on the teeter-titter
by Nutzen YerMouf June 8, 2017
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