627 definitions by Nick D

A school in Palo Alto, CA that is generally considered one of the top 5 academic institutions and the premier sports school in America. The girls are extremely beat and the party scene is deader than Leland Stanford Jr., but still.
Joe had a 1600 SAT score, a perfect 4.0 GPA, was class president, state champion in 3 sports, and started an non-profit orphanage in Ethiopia. Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Princeton were drooling over that motherfucker. Stanford rejected him flat-out.

9 out of 10 girls in California is hot. The 10th one goes to Stanford, or UC-Berkeley.
by Nick D September 29, 2003
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After his pet baboon got out of its cage and threw its feces all around the house, Mike totally went apeshit.
(go apeshit)
by Nick D October 21, 2005
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Pete: "Whats up Kevin."
Kevin: "Nothing, whats up with you?"
Pete: "Nothing."
Kevin: "Hey, guess what I did last night. I met a dirty Japanese whore at 2 AM and got my nob slopped for $10."
Pete: "That's cool."
(long, awkward silence)
Kevin: "So......what did you do last night?"
Pete: "Oh not too much. I rented an Escalade on 22's from Enterprise, wore my throwback and du-rag, and pretended I was getting a deal with Shady Records. I must have nailed at least 6 or 7 dumb hood rat bitches."
Kevin: "That's the ticket."
by Nick D September 26, 2003
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a fruit cognac drink, enjoyed by thugs and hustlas.
Anybody who knows Dre knows I'm about fast cars and Alize, partying all day.
by Nick D February 24, 2003
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To embarrass someone or ruin their public image (P.I.)
Erv: "Man, skinny Tri Delts are like fat chicks, they're fun to ride, but everyone knows they're Tri Delts and they're probably really fat, in reality, so they cramp your style."
Gil: "No I got a better one. Fat chicks are EXACTLY like Tri Delts."
Erv: "Why?"
Gil: "They're both FAT!"
Erv: "That really wasn't funny."
Gil: "Nope."
Erv: "Let's go whale watching."
Gil: "There's no ocean around."
Erv: "No, but the Tri Delts are going on a trip to the lake today."
Gil: "AWWWWWW RIIIIIGHT! Giggidy giggidy!"
by Nick D June 4, 2004
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Someone who exhibits homosexual tendencies in an aggressive way.
After I nailed the last guy to win our dodgeball game, the whole team gave me high fives, except for Steve, who smacked me in the ass. What a balltickler that guy is.
by Nick D October 25, 2005
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1) any person
2) any place
3) a word to emphasize the extent of something
"Hey motherfucker, turn the heat down! It's hot as a motherfucker in this motherfucker!"

"Yo motherfuckers, we need some food up in this motherfucker. I'm jonesing like a motherfucker for a cheeseburger."

"It's gettin' nutty in dis motherfucker, leave a nigga bloody in dis motherfucker. We in da cutty motherfucker. You done done too much, you got it comin' motherfucker." -Snoop Dogg
by Nick D March 19, 2003
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