the cut

a. "How come they didn't catch you?" "I was over in the cut so they couldn't find me."
b. "Yo Murda, what you upto?" "Nuthin much, jus chillin in the cut."
by .:] MuRdA [:. December 13, 2005
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the cut

The Maryland House of Corrections in Jessup Maryland, one of the largest prisons in the state. Called The Cut because of an unused spur or "cut" that comes off the railroad ,that runs behind the prison, onto the prison grounds.
Two convicts got stabbed down at "the cut" last night.
by american mutt April 8, 2006
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the cut

Backwoods/sideroads, usually in a forest area, that a car will drive on. Usually for a trip in a vehicle for the sole purpose of smoking pot(usually blunts or joints) on said roads.
Dude 1: Hey man what do you want to do
Dude 2: Let's light one and get on the cut
by DaddyMamu May 30, 2007
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the cut

prison,jail,the big house,the pen ect ect
"my boy hung himself, string himself up over at the cut"

bodie - the wire
by dontae hill July 13, 2005
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the cut

describing the awesomeness of a person, place, event or thing. can also be used interchangeably with "what's up"
a. man that party last night was the cut

b. alright, guys heres the cut
by thisdoesntmatter October 23, 2010
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the cut

Commonly used phrase meaning,
"Whats the cut?"
by Tayluhhh(: January 28, 2011
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cut for

To like someone; to stand with them, back them up; to really care for someone or maybe to even love the person. I think there may be many different ways to cut for someone.
example: She cuts for me.
He cuts for me.
I really cut for her.
by dollyden November 9, 2013
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