99 definitions by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName

One of the two major CPU makers, the other being Intel.
Intel creates the i69420 814395897487954325975342854235998342895H, the first CPU to run 527 megashits per 49 gigafarts. AMD responsds with the Ryzen 69420 985784328957898734759832485982345349589345899843598324895879198342893, with another whopping 527 megashits per 49 gigafarts, making the competition tighter.
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 2, 2022
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People with abnormal sexual behavior

AKA, lots of people on UrbanDictionary

and teenagers (as stereotyped on the internet)
"These perverts here can't keep their stupid kinks and fetishes to themselves. They always express it by writing down fake sexual definitions on non-sexual terms that no one is going to use in that manner. I really don't know why these 'definitions' aren't taken down yet."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 19, 2022
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A YouTube channel created in the early 2020s. Infamous for creating "Mr Incredible" becoming X "memes" that are considered unfunny by most of the people who know him.

He has also been infamous for adding bigotry and/or sexual innuendos in his memes, which supposedly target children, and has hinted towards being a pedophile in one of his videos.
"Huh? Why is everyone shitting on this channel called MrDweller? How bad could he really be?"

*Searches up MrDweller*

*Watches one of his videos*

*Instantly dies from Stage 9223372036854775807 cancer*
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 20, 2022
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A four digit number that lies in between 1000-2000. Nothing else.
"never seen 1691 used in the way urbdic defines it. Is it a fake definition or am I too innocent?"
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 2, 2022
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A streaming platform that would rather kill everyone that has a Y chromosome than permanently ban a female streamer who streams herself committing multiple felonies.
Cute girl: Grooms every minor on Earth, ruins an entire generation, runs a Satanic cult, commits genocide on-stream, abuses every animal that gets in her preferable vision, takes over most of the world and becomes a threat to the rest of humanity, etc.

Twitch: I don't see anything wrong here and I will do anything to not ban this girl

Random Male streamer: Breathes a very particular way no one else knows that Twitch somehow hates

Twitch: Permanently IP and Hardware Banned for absolutely no good or even slightly justifiable reason
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 13, 2022
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Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen. A german pilot who has 80 confirmed kills.

Quick note: It has NOTHING to do with sex or a girl's period. People are really perverted here.
"Stupid perverts really gave the nickname of the german pilot with 80 kills sexual meanings. Almost all of the definitions for 'red baron' on urbdic included some form of sex or a girl's period."
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A weird and disturbing-ass trend where BTS fans LITERALLY cut their own skin with a razor blade just because they thought Jungkook was dating.

If you're really sensitive to blood and gore, I highly recommend you avoid looking it up.
Jon the intellectual: "What the hell are BTS stans doing? WHY ARE THEY CUTTING THEIR OWN SKIN???"

Grant the other intellectual: "They thought that Jungkook was dating. They wanted him to stay single so badly, they're harming themselves for this man to stop dating. You can find more of this low-life behavior if you search up #cutforkookie on twitter."

Jon the intellectual: "I thought MAPpride and ZOOpride were the lowest Twitter could go. This... is insanity at its finest."
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