5 definitions by Mr. Dumpy from West Virginia

To fall victim in a case of mistaken identity, especially on social media. Similar to Matthew Gertz receiving a lot of backlash after reporting of Matt Gaetz and his alleged Venmo excursions.
Oh man did you see all the nasty tweets that went to that guy's account after Republican Politician got caught? He totally got Gertzed!
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When you are banging someone from behind and they involuntarily diahrrea themselves violently all over your abdomen and genitalia.
I was totally taking her from behind and right as I was about to finish she ended the night with a Dan Bongino and completely ruined my satin sheets.
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1: The resultant mixture of nutsack sweat and anal leakage
2: Senator Josh Hawley
Despite the boiling temperatures, new age detergents, and concentrated bleach, we were unable to remove the taint slurry from your underwear, Mr Hawley.
by Mr. Dumpy from West Virginia January 22, 2021
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A child born in early 2021, obviously born after COVID quarantine.
I went to the brewery and there's all these brand new babies. All Quarantinos.
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It's the practice of showing memes which make fun of or insinuate male anatomy on a Wednesday on Twitter.
"Hey, it's Willy Wednesday" {posts photo of a foot long corn dog}
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